Tag Archives: Keto Creme Brulee

July is officially here! I booked a trip for a fun adventure. I’ve two jobs I love. Plus, I produced you truffles, cookies, tacos, and this easy & fun Summer time berry crostini.

I’m also currently obsessing over zucchini and have way too many ideas in my own head; I actually had to push myself out of the supermarket after three hours of pacing the aisles. Pretty typical. Besides being truly a supermarket stalker, I had been quite busy this past weekend. The majority of my Friday was […]

Dark brown Butter & Toasted Almond CHOCOLATES Chip Cookies with Ocean Salt

I’m turning the big 24 this Saturday. Do you think it’s regular to celebrate by eating cookies for the ENTIRE WEEK? Of training course… because you understand the world is meant to end Friday or whatever. Therefore I’m suggesting we all eat cookies this week (great excuse, right?). But seriously, these cookies are essentially a […]

I hope your weekend was as wonderful as ever. I spent Saturday morning hours rowing 21,000+ meters (a fifty percent marathon) at Iron & Oar , an area Chicago workout studio room. Honestly I had fashioned only rowed probably once before signing up for the half marathon. Uncertain what I was considering, but I’m content that I committed to it. Not only was the competition actually fun, but my hip and legs hurt in the simplest way. That noises odd, but if you love a good challenging workout guess what happens I mean. Best however, we got 3rd place and didn’t also train! WHOOP!

After the race, I loved a GIANT cheat meal with Tony, accompanied by two of the chocolate peanut butter truffles which were waiting patiently for me in the freezer. I’m enthusiastic about the crispy, crunchy structure and how they resemble the flavor of peanut butter glass. Traditional peanut butter truffles usually call for powdered sugar, […]

Hello you lovely souls. I’m sitting in a beautiful, cozy ruler bed writing to you from Hilton Head Health , a fitness and wellness vacation resort in Hilton Head, SC. Earlier this week continues to be so refreshing for me in more methods than I can fathom to write about. Sometimes you merely can’t placed into words everything you feel when your center is steady and content. I feel beyond lucky to become invited right here; the motivation in wellbeing classes, new close friends and being truly a little more susceptible has left me using a realization that I must forget about my fears of judgement with regards to blogging and becoming more personal.

My goodness can you believe AK continues to be cooking for a little over 3 years? I’ve written here about my entire life experiences, career adjustments, moving, associations, friendships and my ever growing obsession with Zac Efron. What I haven’t included is my true and constant struggle with food; certainly it’s the love of my […]